Tag Archives | Holidays

Introducing PersephoneK, Thankfulness, and Nothing At All

[This post was originally published on my old blog site, underworldgoddess.com.  I hope you find it well here.  The published date here reflects the original publication date].

What better way to start a blog than to post my first entry the day before Thanksgiving?  I’ll try not to be too tedious and list all of the things I’m thankful for.  There are countless things to list anyway, and I don’t have the time nor the inclination to write about each one.  And we have just met, so most of those things and people would likely mean nothing to you.

My first post should probably be more about myself.  Who am I.  Who I am not.  Why am I blogging at all.  The truth is, I don’t have a unified reason for why I’m blogging.  This won’t be a blog about a specific topic. I have too many interests (and way too much ADD) to be that focused, so likely you’ll be bombarded with a smattering of various and completely unrelated topics.  Some posts might only loosely be categorized as topical at all.  Essentially, whatever is on my mind that I am itching to share will eventually end up on these pages.

Back to thankfulness… I’m thankful that I live in a country where I can be free to say any random thing that crosses my mind without fear of retribution by my government.  I’m thankful to have been born to a relatively stable family that believed in learning and encouraged debate.  I’m thankful that I have no ability to focus on one topic because my world is infinitely enhanced by finding almost everything interesting (yes, I do find some things more interesting than others and even find a few things completely boring).   I’m thankful for my cat.  I’m thankful for music.  I’m thankful for ice cream.  I’m thankful for poker.  I’m thankful for sandwiches.  I’m thankful for my plasma TV.  I’m thankful for Capitalism and free markets.  I’m thankful for the Declaration of Independence.  I’m thankful for soda.  I’m thankful for my friends and family. (These may be a few of the things I’ll talk about from time to time, but its by no means everything).

Well, what do you know… that was a random list of things I’m thankful for afterall.

So, there you have it.  I’m also thankful to meet you and begin our conversation.  I’d love to hear your thoughts along the way.  And don’t say I didn’t warn you about the random ride we’re about to take.



P.S.  Sorry for the lack of design style.  I’m sticking with the low-budget blog for now, but may eventually upgrade. We’ll see how long I can stand the bland.

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