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Me and a Little Taylor Swift Worship

[This post was originally published on my old blog site,  I hope you find it well here.  The published date here reflects the original publication date].

So, I know we just met, and this might weed out anyone who bothered to give my first post a chance, but I can’t help it.  I created this blog to post what is on my mind, and who am I to fight it?  So, here goes:

I love Taylor Swift!

Before you ask, no, I am not a teen-aged girl.  In fact, I’m 35 years old.  Still with me?  I realize I’m painting quite a stereotype of myself on our second date.  But I can’t deny it.  Not that I’ve been a closeted fan either.  I wasn’t hiding this from my friends and family.  I wasn’t sneaking hits on the iPod and telling people I was rockin’ to Bruno Mars.  But I wasn’t exactly advertising how closely I was following her either.  I’ve been a fan of Taylor’s since her first single, “Tim McGraw,” which I thought was a lovely and catchy tune, with cleverlyrical twists, especially coming from a 17 year old.

I found her next singles equally as enjoyable and well-written.

Some have criticized her singing ability, and admittedly, that is not her strength, but if you’re focusing on her one flaw (which frankly compared to most humans, is still on the talented side), or mistaking her unbelievable popularity (especially among the aforementioned teen-aged girls) you’re missing the point of what makes Taylor an amazing gift to the songwriting universe.  Simply stated, I would give anything to be able to 1) turn phrases like she can, 2) create enduring, catchy, and sweet tunes, and 3) combine those two together with enough charisma and emotional intelligence to mesmerize and woo an audience.

A couple of Sunday’s ago, 60 Minutes did a great feature story on her that I encourage you to check out.  If it doesn’t make you respect Taylor, nothing will.  One of my favorite quotes comes from a writer at Rolling Stone magazine who (I’m paraphrasing) basically tells us not to let her popularity cloud our judgement that she is an amazing songwriter.  I wholeheartedly concur.  Adults can only dream of having her ability to seemingly effortlessly reach into her own soul — and by extension ours — and plainly, yet poetically say what we’re either feeling, have felt, or dream of feeling.

As a 35 year old who once played a little guitar and even wrote a song or two herself, I have to admit that part of what I love about Taylor is that she is everything I wanted to be  when I was a teenager.  Not what she writes about — I wanted to have the life she achieved.  I dreamt of writing songs, making it in Nashville, and taking the stage night after night, but I didn’t have the drive that Taylor has.  Nor did I have the talent.  So, I live a little vicariously through Miss Swift.  I’m not ashamed of that.  And judging by her final words in the 60 Minutes interview, she’s completely aware of the responsibility to be a good role model to the younger generation of teenagers who worship her.  Taylor, if I may, let me just say you’re a wonderful role model to this “grown-up” as well.  And thank you.




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